๐Ÿธ Introduction to Rekt Frens

Welcome to the Rekt Frens Community!

We are a group of crypto enthusiasts who came together to create a resilient ecosystem capable of thriving regardless of market conditions.

At the core of Rekt Frens is a decentralized community treasury, seeded by a fractionalized NFT project. The treasury assets back the value of our DN-404 token, aligning incentives between token holders and the protocol.

Our goals are to:

  1. Withstand bear markets through diversified alpha generation

  2. Share knowledge and empower members to navigate cycles

  3. Distribute prosperity via revenue sharing

Rekt Frens was born in the last crypto winter. We learned firsthand how weak hands get wiped out trying to time volatile swings.

Now we lead with education and anti-fragility. Our treasury invests in yield opportunities uncorrelated to crypto markets. Members avoid panic selling by understanding cycles. Revenue sharing incentivizes holding through turbulence.

In essence, we turn market dynamism from a liability into an asset. Drawdowns offer treasury buying opportunities using stablecoin reserves. Members relish volatile phase shifts armed with frameworks for navigating them.

The next influx of adopters will learn what we know now during the next cycle. The basics seem so obvious in hindsight. We get rewarded for anticipating and preparing.

For now, we meme at no coiners while stacking altbags. The future looks bright! But we are ready either way - that's the Rekt Frens difference.

So join our journey toward decentralized wealth creation! We'll meet you on X, Discord and YouTube ๐Ÿ‘‹

Last updated