๐Ÿ“œ What is DN-404

DN-404 refers to an open source implementation that allows creating a hybrid ERC-20/ERC-721 token.

Key points:

  • It uses two contracts - an ERC-20 "base" token and a "mirror" ERC-721 NFT.

  • The ERC-20 handles most trading and tracks balances. It mints/burns the ERC-721s based on thresholds.

  • The ERC-721 acts as a standard NFT, compatible with existing protocols.

  • This allows fractional trading of NFTs natively on DEXes via the ERC-20, while still being able to use the ERC-721 on NFT marketplaces.

  • Provides native fractionalization and increased liquidity for NFT projects.

In summary, it's an innovative implementation to create hybrid fractional NFTs with liquidity on both DEXes and NFT platforms.


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